
Personal Narrative Essay: The Boston Massacre

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It has been ages since we last saw you. Jack sold our small home in North Carolina and we moved down to South Carolina. We have a modest farm, ten miles south of Charleston. The children, Jack and I miss you dearly. Odis, Franklin and Benjamin are doing well. They are just like their father, determined and rebellious. We have grand news; the Lord has blessed us with our fourth son. Jack is overjoyed. His name is William. We will baptize him after the harvest comes in. The boys are busy planting this year’s crop and Jack has headed into town to sell the newest piglets. I imagine a lawyer’s wife does not worry with such things. How is the weather in Salam? Are the servants in line? There has been word of a few escapees headed for Florida. How are you? I hope Oscar is doing well. He seemed worried the last time he …show more content…

Townspeople are calling it a battle for liberty (The Boston Massacre). The etching posted in town square seems farfetched. Why would the soldiers purposely fire into a crowd without good reason? Pastor Weston was in Boston during the massacre. He said that Patriots were in a drunken stupor protesting near the Customs House about the resent increase of soldiers and the newly implemented Townshend acts in Boston. It began to get out of hand and the Captain ordered his company to fix their bayonets on the drunken troublemakers (The Boston Massacre). The protesters began throwing snow balls and rocks at the soldiers and hit one of them in the head. The soldier then unintentionally discharged his weapon. The remaining officers then fired thinking it had been ordered by their captain (Goldfield 130). Five Bostonians were killed. Paul Revere’s etching portrayed officers lining up and firing into a crowd of innocent people (The Boston Massacre). Albeit wrong, it was not a massacre. What are your thoughts? We heard the soldiers will be tried for murder (Goldfield 131). I hope they have good lawyers. They will need

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